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Messages posted by: Cynic Ice Black
Forum Index » Profile for Cynic Ice Black » Messages posted by Cynic Ice Black
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Hehe, same old Larry with the kick in the nuts while the judges don't watch.

Cheerz man!!
I started a fight with this guy, then he stopped moving. I noticed it right away and waited for a round without punching him. Then I exited, 'cos I thought the guy's busy and won't return to the fight.
Well, apparently he did come back just to ko me after I exited the game.

I don't give a damn of course, it's just a pitty, 'cos it just sais everything about a guy.
Lui, or whatever your name is - get some manners. It'll help ya in life.

Just remember - every shot of Captain Morgan gets you closer to my age and you don't wonna go there

Hehe, ok man,

yeah, the has 28th of June marked as your birthday

No worries man - like the russians say - "you got to have a reason for drinking". And somehow they find a reason every day
You got one now too.

If I ain't mistaken - it's your B-Day today (at least that's what the BF board sais)

So - Happy B-Day man!!!

Have a blast, lot's of health wealth and happiness!!

Hope you partied like there ain't no tomorrow mate.
In case you reply to this post - there actually was/ is tomorrow and you haven't partied hard enough

Ray Johnson wrote:
Cynic Ice Black wrote:Chopper's aracist? Give me a break.
He's one of the nicest people I met in this game. And trust me - I'm a jew, from Israel - if he was a racist - don't you think he'd jump on that train?

Maybe it's because Chopper and I are grown up people and not 14 year old kids, so we just don't run our mouths for nothing.

With tons of idiotic remarks I've heard here during the time I follow this game, and people starting a flame and making the other guilty - I'm not surprised. But Chopper ain't a racist guys. Just forget it, 'cos it's pure unreasonable bullshit.


P.S.: Donny, show your stoner arse online already, it's about time hehehe, you know where to find me bro

Are you implying that if you are 14 years old, you are immature? And no, he won't insult you because you're a jew. He insults Asians.

BTW, don't say what you assume to be false unreasonable bullshit. When he says things like "Turbanator", I must be wrong to think he is racist.

No, I am not making crap up. You can't see through Chopper and you never will unless you accept the possibility he is racist because.. he IS RACIST.

I've spoken to him enough outside the game, didn't notice a single racist remark from him, not an insulting racist remark, not a humorous remark, nothing.
If you and some other people got a problem with him - fine. Not all people have to be friends in this world.
Ah, why the hell am I posting anyway, there's nothing to discuss here.

Donny_king wrote:I thought that would get your attention bro, I'm not on my comp right now I'm at Robs to watch a repeat of UFC 72.

I'm at a party tommorow but should be around after that so I'll catch you then for sure.



Alright mate,
I saw it live, so I won't spoil the fun for you There are some good matches this weekend too.
Anyway, don't get lost man, c ya soon.

Donny_king wrote:I don't know why I do that it's more of a habit, like smoking or something it just becomes the norm. I'll quite I swear it, I'm off to get some cheerz patches right now


You bastard.

Chopper's aracist? Give me a break.
He's one of the nicest people I met in this game. And trust me - I'm a jew, from Israel - if he was a racist - don't you think he'd jump on that train?

Maybe it's because Chopper and I are grown up people and not 14 year old kids, so we just don't run our mouths for nothing.

With tons of idiotic remarks I've heard here during the time I follow this game, and people starting a flame and making the other guilty - I'm not surprised. But Chopper ain't a racist guys. Just forget it, 'cos it's pure unreasonable bullshit.


P.S.: Donny, show your stoner arse online already, it's about time hehehe, you know where to find me bro
[quote=Ray Johnson]I think the song sucks,

Pendulum - Bacteria (Remix) is much better. 1:28 is where the song properly starts btw.[/quote]

Wasn't it supposed to be a musical thread? Then why posting a clip of beats every 10 year old can generate with dozens of downloadable softs nowdays?

I check this forum maybe once months, or when I'm just burning time. Most of the posts here don't have anything to do with... well, nothing actually. No good boxing threads, no good "general life topic" threads, not even good game threads.
The language, the way people "express themselves" and 99% of irrelevance turned this site into a big turnoff for me.
Why just not open a Word document and write "abcdefg1234567" and then delete it? I think it would be the same result as most threads here.
You're trying to have a community here? Then build one. Who the hell would want to ge in here and stay here reading pointless stuff.

About the song - as I told ya mate - I saw them live in 99', was a really good gig, unexpected brutal moshpit and overall good vibe and energy. The song has a classic riff in the second part of the song, which only turns things heavier, a simple one, but in your face and serves it's purpose. This is kind of stuff that I'll rarely listen on the album, but will never miss it live.

Donny_king wrote:Yes yourself and mother time.

Best trainer of all is a good old ass kicking IMO.

Only people who've done it in real life will understand, eh bro?

How about good ol' Chucky getting a sponge soft chin eh?

Talk to ya bro,

There ain't no weight classes here, what's the point of finding the P4P best?

Donny_king wrote:This usually

Let's hope one of them is the server hosting

Amen to that.

Forum Index » Profile for Cynic Ice Black » Messages posted by Cynic Ice Black
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