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Forum Index » Profile for Tyrant » Topics created by Tyrant
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My Official Retirement - Miss you all and this game! 4 Tyrant 8271 21/04/2014 02:12:26
Mikkel [Latest Reply]
General discussions
**READ** THE Undisputed/Super Champions of Online Boxing **
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42 Tyrant 279507 04/08/2012 22:57:24
King,Pre [Latest Reply]
History of Online Boxing
Yo. 9 Tyrant 11661 15/05/2011 08:09:00
Ray Johnson [Latest Reply]
General discussions
*~~Official Clan/Gym Registration - REGISTER NOW!!!~~*
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47 Tyrant 19879 30/09/2010 23:26:53
Mikkel [Latest Reply]
General discussions
2010 KICKOFF TOURNAMENT!!! - C'mon, you know you want to... ;)
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16 Tyrant 13123 19/01/2010 02:06:41
Couture [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Tyrant's coming back...who are the top dogs? 11 Tyrant 6827 21/01/2009 13:20:44
Barrack Obama [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Fighters you've enjoyed & hated fighting against over the years. 6 Tyrant 6149 29/12/2008 21:05:32
Skillz [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Your favorite memories in Online Boxing?
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28 Tyrant 13333 08/11/2008 08:19:23
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Maragon... 1 Tyrant 4916 14/06/2008 07:20:11
CaptainAmerica [Latest Reply]
General discussions
MAR, you around? 3 Tyrant 4957 11/06/2008 20:45:45
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
General discussions
This month is my 5 year OB anniversary. 3 Tyrant 6146 10/02/2008 11:55:32
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
General discussions
How many "styles" does the "Style"master have? 4 Tyrant 5525 07/12/2007 05:58:33
BoXa [Latest Reply]
General discussions
So what's going on guys? 8 Tyrant 5303 05/12/2007 05:08:41
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Who is Widow Maker? 10 Tyrant 6429 20/11/2007 20:50:32
M. A R A G O N [Latest Reply]
General discussions
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34 Tyrant 16442 10/11/2007 11:08:17
sterlihalla [Latest Reply]
General discussions
Forum Index » Profile for Tyrant » Topics created by Tyrant
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